Nuff Said!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Consider my consicence pricked!

The other day I had to go get some Sudafed from the drugstore in our area. Now, because the Meth users in our area buy Sudafed in bulk as part of their ingredients list (must be to prevent nasal congestion while getting high), the pharmacies have taken to putting the medicine behind the counter to prevent stealing and keeping a list of those who are purchasing it. All of this I can understand - somewhat.  

So far, so good.

But the amazingly amusing part was that I had to sign a slip of paper "promising" that I would not use this Sudafed to make illegal drugs.

Anyone catch the humor?

Do we honestly think that signing that piece of paper is going to deter me from making Meth? "Dang! I was going to make and sell mountains of Meth until I had to sign that paper! Got to find me a pharmacy that doesn't prick my conscience like that."

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